I bring Quiche of Zucchini with ham and cheese in cream, one of those recipe that you will do yours for life. But... the recipe does not come alone! because this recipe today we started also the draw for Le Creuset to celebrate the fourth anniversary of the blog, which you will love.
It's a cocotte of new blue Riviera of 24 cm and is apuntito out, so that in addition to a beautiful casserole, you're going to do with a super novelty if you are lucky enough. But not only the cocotte, but that also the lot includes a spatula of the same color so you can have your kitchen and your precious table. All valued at more than €250. A best gift so you can enjoy remembering you of Le Creuset and Loleta.
To participate you just you have to:
- Become a fan on Facebook of Le Creuset
- Become a Facebook fan of Loleta
- Fan on Instagram of Loleta
- Share the draw post on your Facebook wall and on your Instagram account to refuel the photo of the drawing
- Leave a comment on this post - it is not necessary that you leave me your email address but if your Instagram address in the comment
Part before April 12 (the sweepstakes ends 11 April 00: 00) that is only valid for Spain. Share and win this beautiful cocotte and his spatula game to prepare your best recipes and bring the kitchen to the table that will be a beautiful color.
But now we already with the recipe for Quiche of Zucchini with ham and cheese in cream that you'll see how easy that is, the rich that is.
Total €7.43 which among 10 lots coming out of this super quiche, are €0.74 per serving. Soft and crunchy at the same time. Simply delicious
1 line a round mould. In my case to make the Quiche of Zucchini with ham and cream cheese, I used this Le Creuset which I love because I can serve my quiche directly on the table. That is beautiful!
2 cover with baking paper and fill baking beans or dried chickpeas. Bake at 200 ° for 10 minutes until bad mass is almost cooked. This is what is called a baked blind and so the dough does not rise. After baking, book
3. wash and clean the spring onions. Chop them. Wash the zucchini. Chop one in very small chunks and the other into thin slices of the same thickness.
4. in a bowl brande mix the eggs with the cream, 150 g cheese cream and grated cheese leaving a tablespoon for the end. Season with salt and pepper and add a little nutmeg, pepper and salt.
6. in a skillet Sauté Zucchini into chunks and the onion for a couple of minutes. Dump vegetables and ham chopped over the mold and spread well. Then add egg mixture already spaced. Add the rest of cheese cream with a small spoon handing out bits for all the quiche. Bake the Quiche of Zucchini with ham and cheese at cremadurante 10 minutes at 190 degrees.
7. Meanwhile, cut the zucchini into thin wheels. Then remove our pan from the oven and place them on the quiche forming a Sun with them. Sprinkle with the remaining Parmesan cheese and return to oven for another 10 minutes until the egg over curdling completely.
8 remove from oven and allow to cool the Quiche of Zucchini with ham and cheese in cream for a few minutes before serving.
The winner of the draw was:
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And we have the winner of the sweepstakes. It's Nany Navarro Benitez. Congratulations Nany! Prontito I will be in contact with you so, I provide your data and they can send you your gift now to enjoy it!
We will certainly make it, you have a pint... Rrrrriquisima!
that good looking I would love to try it because they are foods that I have not tried
I love the recipe with Zucchini. I sign up and keep on slopes. A saluditos Loleta.
I want it... I love. Thanks a lot.
Very good looking! I just have a zucchini in the fridge hehehehe
Go I'll not give my address instagram jajajaja! Raquelocejadelgado :)
Quiche is fantastic, I've done fan and this in addition to beautiful must be lickin' your fingers!
My Instagram account is teresaquesada
I wish have luck, I love the cocottes!
Kisses and thank you for the giveaway!
Mmm having good looking! Suerte a tod@s.
A delicious recipe!
Thanks for the giveaway, instagram @nuriamg68
shared on facebook https://www.facebook.com/nuria.maciasg/posts/945786785537351
Perfect Nuria but don't forget to also post it on Instagram okay? A kiss and good luck
Very good pintaa! We will have to try to make it! @lauris_59
Hello beautiful has one pint more than delicious and I have to try it, I love it
Thank you very much for the draw, it's great and I said
In IG: @anpoce and you've shared on FB with the following link: https://www.facebook.com/zulema.pontesvidal/posts/1009217822465064?pnref=story
Good luck to all!!!
Thank you chocolate for this concursazo I am emturre on instagram! every day better recipes suerteeeeee
Congratulations for the photos! Precious details and light! All so rich that looks so much more.
That rich. Thank you!!
In IG @carolroma45
It has a great pint! Thanks for the recipe.
I am _yoli_fer_ on instagram.
That well have to be!
(passage say that I loved the post of the delicious chocolate cake, recipe that I hope to be able to follow. And it is that, as a Galician, I'm, and attached to the area of Betanzos, therefore it has thrilled me read it.)
instagram am tropicamide.
A greeting!
Thank you Ines. The cake have to do it
Thank you Ines Muvhas. The cake have to do it
Thanks for the giveaway, my girl you sige and tb, which is dying to have a coquette of those I do. You still have the same name on Facebook and I am @lacensuradeloscuentos on instagram
Hello, I love the recipe and the casserole!
I follow you on instagram: @anaromeroubeda
to see if I dare to make the recipe!
Thank you for the giveaway. I've done everything
Shared on fb and instag
The delicious recipe, I've made before participating in the sweepstakes, shared on facebook and instagram lol. I am @celetejada on instagram
Very good recipe! This one falls the weekend... I'm going to try your luck, there's nothing like the Le Creuset casserole!
My instagram account is silenciosecuece. Already shared on facebook and there.
very good looking, if I play I will do one :) ig: (@alis7101729)
Good recetaa my name on instagram is @arnaujudit77 luck
Delicious is go! above all, perfect, do not leave me just as beautiful, keep trying! Thank you very much for the draw, all of the steps completed, I am @ana.mf on instagram
It is impossible to not want to get into this sweepstakes, the prize is incredible. My instagram is TinaCocina.
And this recipe is pure love. The quiches are successful in my house, I do them very often.
Wanting to try this recipe!
My instagram is @Lpp1990
Pa squeal... we'll have to prove it.
On instagram @beatrizramar
What a rich recipe! And congratulations on the anniversary!!
It looks delicious!!! I'm joining the draw. My instagram is marta, arandarosa
A delicious recipe! Let me see if I'm lucky in the draw!!! ?. @nanynb81
I almost didn't make it!
@miss_mmar is my Instagram account! It is that I put it in the web section and I do not know if it will. Thank you and congratulations on this piece of blog that makes the mouth water!
What hunger has given me. I love it!! I am IG @rbkdtorres.
What a good look ! It has to be very good, like everything you do, that I have already done some...
At IG @marisol.rodriguezbust
Thank you very much Marisol. Thank you for your words and for being around with me But you have to send me pictures of the ones you do so I can see how well you do.
Yesterday I made the recipe and complete success, sobro a bit and just it take with a goodbye and I do not know whether it was yesterday or today richer. Thank you
Ayyy way thanks to you to write and tell me about it good! Makes me very excited that I share how you have come recipes so thank you very much for sharing it with me. A hug and thank you above all for being here with me :)
Although it's been some months since the post I made the recipe a couple of weeks ago, it was so rich that I repeated it as if it was luck, but the result was 10 again.
(I took the liberty of add to onion and poached and list a little fried onion which walked around the kitchen).
Thanks Loleta.
Ehh Maraura!, thank you very much for writing. Recipes are that you do for them when you come well, you feel like and I square and it has been now when you have square the quiche as great. To my I love the quiches and I them do at home what is there in the fridge because it's a dish that always looks great thank poes be here with me and hope that you continue enjoying this holiday season. Merry Christmas from the heart! A hug