This hot bowl of oatmeal and fruit chocolate has become one of our favorite breakfasts since we tried it with new ingredients this week.
You know Sunday breakfast is my favorite time of the week. This past Sunday was very cold in Madrid so I decided to join our croissants and fruit something special and warm in oven to my sister who has visited us. Because the best thing about Sunday breakfasts and most importantly, is always the better company.
Tell me what you like to have breakfast and I promise to leave you the recipe for the cocoa and orange bowl we prepared today.
It is prepared in just 5 minutes with very easy ingredients and also has neither gluten nor lactose so it becomes a complete breakfast for the whole family.
And if you don't like bananas, you don't have to put it on!
- 1 cup gluten-free oat flakes
- 3 tablespoons pure cocoa powder
- 1 teaspoon of ground cinnamon
- 1 teaspoon vanilla
- 1 tablespoon chia
- 2 tablespoons maple syrup
- 200ml orange juice
- 1 banana
Pata decorate
- cocoa nibs
- blueberries
- strawberries
- a few raspberries
- a chopped banana
- a handful of filleted almonds
In a saucepan we put all the ingredients except the banana.
Heat until oats are very soft and almost completely absorbed the juice.
Add the chopped banana and crush in a cooking robot with a hand mixer until you get a thick and smooth puree. We serve hot and decorate with fruit, cocoa nibs and filleted almonds
Tips and Tricks
- Replace juice with milk or vegetable drink
- In summer you can serve it fresh
- Servings: 2
- Difficulty: easy
- Preparation time: 10 minutes