Pan of spices. A pueblecito nevado

Pan of spices. A pueblecito nevado

The bread d'epices (Spice bread) is a very typical bread of France at this time and that is made with honey and some spices including ginger and sometimes anise (but as I do not like too, I do not put). The two most famous are the Dijon and the...
Vanilla shortcakes (Mantecados). Christmas is coming

Vanilla shortcakes (Mantecados). Christmas is coming

There is nothing more Christmas than a few cookies. Its origin is Andalusian, some say that Antequera and other steppe but taken in all Spain and today there are more cities that make rich mantecados Rute, Toledo and Valladolid. The origin of the ice cream dates from the century...
Lagkage. Danish red fruit cake

Lagkage. Danish red fruit cake

The Lagkage is a Danish multilayer cake (usually has two layers of cream but I wanted to make one more) which is very typical in birthday parties and dinners. Danes tend to use cream of vanilla, whipped cream and strawberries, marzipan and crushed macaroons for...
Pumpkin cake with pecans walnuts. Pumpkin cake

Pumpkin cake with pecans walnuts. Pumpkin cake

Autumn comes and with it we change habits, they crave more hot meals, a little more warm clothes and above all change our basket on the market. Is time of chestnuts, mushrooms (if it rains), spoon and pumpkin with walnuts pie dishes...
Paraguayan and mango drink with vanilla soda and ice cream

Paraguayan and mango drink with vanilla soda and ice cream

With this recipe so fresquera of beaten of Paraguayan and mango with soda of vanilla and ice cream, opened section in the blog. They are recipes express that are made in a very short time and with which you will be surprised your guests or you can give you a quick fad without...
Mascarpone and toffee ice-cream

Mascarpone and toffee ice-cream

I leave until September but with a delicious ice cream recipe that insurance have so far not proven, and I say one thing... as the day at the beach: spectacular! Pass very happy summer! The ice cream is creamy thanks to used corn syrup. This can be...

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