Within the Easy dessertsthis is one of may favorite tarts and the favorite of my sister. It is an English pie that is made with lemon curd. The curd is a fruit cream that can be prepared with mango, limes, raspberries, strawberries, orange and above all lemon.
The base is the pulp or fruit juice (if a citrus, add also the grated peel) and combined with sugar and butter in addition to eggs or egg yolks, so that is a cream-bodied. The key to more or less thickness is the cooking time. The longer you cook over low heat, the thicker it will be. Depending on the use, we will want it thicker or thinner.
I love it either in a pie or in individual format and at home they are addicted to the lemon curd with which it is made. When I prepare the lemon curd, I always do some extra to enjoy it with Greek yogurt: in a glass add half yogurt and half lemon and you have a super summer dessert in a blink.
It is very acidic but the meringue that accompanies it perfectly balances sweet and acid in this recipe that is a tradition at home. To make an easy version we simply assemble the whites with the sugar, but if you want a treat that lasts longer perfect you can make the Italian meringue. Easy and delicate, dare you?.
For dough
- 225 g flour €0.12
- 175 g butter cold €0,75
- 45 g of icing sugar €0.10
- 1 egg large €0.12
For lemon filling
- the 6 lemons grated €0.70
- 300 ml of lemon juice € 0.15
- 200 g butter €1,00
- 400 g sugar €0.35
- 5 egg yolks €0.80
- 2 whole eggs €0.41
For the meringue
- 4 egg whites €0.11
- 225 g sugar €0.18
- 2 teaspoons corn flour (cornstarch that will make stabilizer and help our meringue is not lower) €0.15
Total €4.16 be divided into 8 portions that leave, is €0.52 for each piece. Nothing richer for so little
1 Preheat oven to 180 c
2.Let's make the dough. We can do it by hand or electric mixer mixing all the ingredients. To make it by hand, place butter in a bowl with the flour and sugar and mix with the tip of your fingers. Add the egg and if necessary a little water and knead until the dough is thin and soft. We make a ball, wrap in plastic wrap and let cool in the fridge.
3. When the dough is cold, place it between two baking sheets and with the help of a roller stretch until it has a thickness of about 3 mm. Cover the mold with this dough. Cover with a baking sheet and fill with chickpeas or beans in baking and bake at 180 degrees for 15 minutes. Then remove the chickpeas and bake for another 5 minutes, lowering the temperature to 170 degrees. Set aside.
4. for the lemon cream, the egg yolks and the egg with the sugar mix in a bool. Add the zest and lemon juice. In a saucepan bring water to heat. When it is hot, put the saucepan on it so that the yolks are set. The water should lightly touch the pot but is more water vapor which will help thicken the cream. It must be done while the water boils because then the egg materialize. Once the mixture has thickened, pass it through a colander or Chinese to remove zest and set aside in a bowl until completely cool.
If we have a thermomix, we can do it also. Put the zest of lemon with sugar and blend at maximum speed for 30 seconds. Add juice, butter and eggs and mix a few seconds at speed 6. After this, set 12 minutes at 80 degrees, speed 2. Put in a bowl and allow to cool completely.
5. for the meringue, beat the whites of eggs in an electric mixer until soft peaks form. Add the sugar in the form of rain and continue beating until the meringue is hard and bright. Add the cornstarch and beat again. Using a spoon, place the meringue on the pie. To my I like to do it with a spoon and form peaks on the cake rather than a manga pastry, but you can do it as you like you.
6. Burn the meringue with a blowtorch. Serve immediately (this meringue does not last long)
- If you prefer it rather than burned with a blowtorch, you can bake again for about 15 minutes until the meringue is golden brown.
- You can serve warm or cold trafficking
- Difficulty: easy
- Preparation time: 1 hour
- Servings: 12
And don't you forget, that we have cakes salted this Friday.
Lola: I never do this dessert because I believe q need a meringue q Swiss meringue do not be water, as when you ride a clear for a dessert and you take too much to add it to the rest. Is it safe to q with the cornstarch holds the cake if you do it in the morning, for example up to at night?
It depends on the time you want to take to take it. I do it with Swiss meringue if is that I will take to take it, but add the cornstarch makes it hold more in the fridge so that I can prepare it before eating and take it for dessert or snack, but the meringue has to be very well. Thank you for writing and for being here with me :)
How do I incorporate the cornstarch into the meringue? I'm sorry it's a silly question, but I don't know if I have to dissolve it or throw it out as is.
Hello beautiful, you just add it to the meringue without dissolving it or anything. Ahh, and there's never any silly questions here! A hug and thank you for writing
I've tried to make the cake. What worried me most was that you fell me merengue, but has endured three hours perfect, and there remains. The problem has been that the lemon filling has not I thickened put it fifteen minutes over very low heat, do you know what there will be able to be? Thank you
Hi Elizabeth, thank you for writing me. me alegro a lot that you have come out well the meringue, that is it more difficult. Lemon cream should have thickened with the fingertips, but there are times that if eggs are very large as they were all too clear and it may be that you do not thicken. The yolks thicken to 65 degrees, but there are that have much care because to them 70 degrees begin to coagulate and are form lumps. It may be that they have not reached the temperature needed to thicken or that eggs were not fresh at all. To avoid this the next time you can do two things: add 10 egg yolks (without whole eggs) to make it easier that they Sear, or add a teaspoon of cornstarch to warm yolks mixture: in a glass put two tablespoons of cold milk and add a teaspoon full of cornstarch powder. Blends well and add a tablespoon of the yolks hot and mixes. Add another tablespoon of the hot yolks mixture and return to mix. Dumps this mixture into the bowl of yolks and move nonstop over low heat until it thickens. Insurance thus goes well thick. If you prefer it thicker, then add two teaspoons of cornstarch instead of one. I hope that so it works for you. A hug and thank you very much for writing me but above all for being here with me :)
I tried to make your recipe since I made it in a camp and I loved it. I've done pretty well, but it didn't look so pretty. Thank you for the recipe
Pd :It took a lot longer than you said.
Thank you?
Hello Lucia, appearance and preparation in each recipe time depends on a bunch of each, of the expertise in the preparation of practice that have each, if the ingredients are prepared when you start the recipe (very important, for example), and management that each have kitchen. Times of recipes listed are that I need to perform, but as always the important thing is that what you cook is good. Appearance sure next is muucho better, tya see, and in safe house that have sucked the fingers. Thank you very much for writing but above all thank you for being here with me :)
Hello loleta could i change the base for a dough of cookies? The lemond curd can be done with antelation right?
Hello of course! The base can change it but be careful because it will not hold you filling. The base of the cake to rise by mold holds the filling. With the biscuit base, this is difficult to do (though not impossible), so you have to be careful so that the turn out the lemon cream. The lemon curd endure weeks in the refrigerator (if you're able to not eat it) and can also be frozen. A hug and thank you very much for writing me :)
The recipe has left me regular. Mold that I used was not deep enough so even putting the mould well covered when out mass shrugged and left with only the base ass. The second thing is that I can't thicken the filling mixture, I don't know if it was by a lot of lemon juice or very large eggs (were size L). I think we should have a rough estimate of the ml making 6 lemons because to me they left me 300 ml in the recipe, I don't know if it was too much juice, but as I said 6 put them all. But never rank mixture as well that does not get to have cake.
Next time I hope I come out better. Thank you!
Hi Karina,
If I feel it. I've modified to ml quantities so you can see it clear and I have also changed the explanation. You can that you not cuajara due to lack of time but of truth that comes out perfect. I've done it many times and many fans have also made it and leave, so I hope that the next time you get it right. Thank you for writing and have a good day. A kiss
Don't worry, thank you very much for the clarification! I guess it was a matter of luck, also it is not to be very good Shaper:). Thank you very much for answering!
Thank you Karina! But nobody is good pastry. We are all lovers of the pastry and then suddenly things begin to appear so you not tortures you. Just practice :)
Hello! I have a question, if I use crémor tartare will hold me more meringue than with the cornstarch? And in that case, how much should Pober?
Thank you!
You can use it but to me the taste that gives me doesn't like. Cream of tartar should use it very carefully and very sparingly though as I have not used it in this recipe I could not tell you. Probably half a teaspoon would be enough. A greeting